Slavija 2018 – Alzir

Tizi Ouzou

Falah Čaker / Falah Chaker

Režiser / Director –Okbaoui Cheikh
Scenograf / Stage Designer – Saidoun Amrouche
Kostimograf / Costume Designer – Hammas Fahem
Koreograf / Choreographer – Sadouki Abdassamed

Igraju / Cast
DUH IZ LAMPE / GeniE – Bellagh Mourad
ŽENA / Woman – Talbi Zouleykha
KOMŠIJIN SIN / Son of neighbour – Hammas Fahem
BEBA / Baby – Hammas Fahem
DETE / Child – Lyes Bellagh
FEJSAL / Faysal – Idir Belloul
PREŽIVELI / Survivor –Lyes Bellagh
FEJS / Face – Boutchiche Hamadache
Habib – Mourad Bellagh

Ovo je priča o ženi koja je u ratu izgubila svoga dragog, nakon čega veoma tuguje sve dok ne sretne Al Đinija. Traži od njega da zaustavi rat, da oživi njenog dragana. Ali ove njene želje samo joj vraćaju uspomene. Sve to učini da se njih dvoje zaljube i da shvate da jedino ljubav može da zaustavi rat.
Ova predstava se oslanja na telo glumca kao na dramski element, tako da jedan glumac igra više uloga, a ponekad zamenjuje scenografiju. On je izvor muzike i ritma, preko svog glasa i pokreta, korišćenjem fizičkog teatra. U fizičkom teatru ljudsko telo je smešteno u centar pripovedačkog procesa.
Ova drama je bunt protiv rata i poziv na ljubav i mir među narodima i veroispovestima, jer samo ljubav može zaustaviti rat.

It is a story of a woman who lost her lover in war, after which she remains in pain until she meets Al Djinni. She tells him to end the war, and make her lover alive again. But this request just brings back her memories, which make them fall in love with each other. They realize that only love can end war.
In this work, the dependence on the actor’s body as a dramatic element has made the actor perform many roles, where he sometimes replaces the décor, and the actor is the source of music and rhythm through his voice and movement, with the use of physical theatre. Physical theatre is anything that puts the human body at the centre of the storytelling process.
This play rejects the war and calls for love and peace between peoples and religions, as only love can stop any war.