Slavija 2018 – Rusija (Oluja)


Aleksandar Ostrovski / Alexander Ostrovsky

Režiser / Director – Evgeny Gelfond
Scenograf / Stage Designer – Elena Gaeva
Kostimograf / Costume Designer – Natalya Bolotskih

Igraju / Cast
Katherina – Marina Oliker
Tihon – Dmitrii Nikolenko
Boris – Petr Oliker
DIKOJ / Dikoy – Aleksandr Maier
Kabanova – Tatiana Bogdan
Varvara – Tatiana Kelman
VANJA KUDRIJAŠ / Vanya Kudryash – Konstantin Talan
Kuligin – Aleksander Balitskiy
PEKLUŠA / Pheklusha – Ekaterina Shaova
GLAŠA / Glasha – Ksenia Boyko
DIREKTOR / Director – Alexey Zaykov
LJUDI IZ KALINOVA /People of Kalinov – Pavel Mokhnatkin, Maria Kristover, Alymova Iana

Grad Kalinov. Život u njemu teče po ustaljenom poretku, čija je suština u sledećem: greši, ali poštuj spoljni dekor. Sve je zasnovano na neistini, u osnovi svega je laž.
Ova predstava je pokušaj da se u potpunosti pročitaju značenja koja je postavio Ostrovski. Za autore ove predstave, u prvom planu nije priča o nesrećnoj strasti, već o iskrivljenom (poremećenom) životu i njegovom tragično pogrešnom poimanju. Ne samo u tom gradu, u jednoj zemlji, već širom sveta….
To čini klasičnu dramu A.N. Ostrovskog aktuelnom i u našem vremenu.

The city of Kalinov. Life in it runs according to the established order, the essence of which is the following: sin, but observe the external decorum. Everything is based on untruth; at the heart of everything is a lie.
This performance is an attempt to fully read the meanings laid down by Ostrovsky. According to the creators of the performance, the main thing in the play is not the story of the unhappy passion, but the story of the distorted life, its tragically incorrect understanding. And not only in this single city, not even in one country, but throughout the world…
This is what makes the classic drama by A.N. Ostrovsky actual in our time, too.